Community Gardens
The City of Edgerton has facilitated a community garden rental program on Lyons St. Plots of varying sizes spread out across the area. Initial tilling and water are provided . Registration fee for each 10x10 plot is $10.
The plot rental process for the season will be:
RENEWAL: Renters from the previous season have until December 31st to claim their plot for the next growing season. If we do not receive this renewal form prior to December 31st we will assume you do not intend to return for the following season and your plot will be available for another to take.
NEW RENTERS. Starting at January 2nd of each year all unrented plots will become available on a first‐come basis. Payment is due with completed application. Confirmation of your location will be provided by mail. There is currently a limited supply of open plots available.
The garden is open early May (weather permitting) through October 31.
Edgerton City Hall
12 Albion St
Edgerton, WI 53534
Phone: (608) 884-3341
Fax: (608) 884-8892