Property Maintenance Complaints
Chapter 21 of the City of Edgerton Municipal Code, the Minimum Housing and Property Maintenance, establishes minimum maintenance and upkeep standards for all property within the City.
If a property does not meet the standards established in Chapter 21, a complaint may be filed with the City. To file a complaint, complete the "Property Maintenance Complaint" printable or online form below. If using the printable form, please bring or mail to:
Edgerton City Hall
12 Albion St
Edgerton, WI 53534
Phone: (608) 884-3341
Fax: (608) 884-8892
To assist in remedying the issue, please provide photographs of the complaint if possible. For non-hazardous violations, the City generally gives the property owner several weeks to bring the property back into compliance.
Renter Complaints: If you are a renter and have a complaint against your landlord, please fill out the renter complaint form below. You must provide evidence that the landlord was first notified and received in writing the nature of the complaint. The occupant is encourage to provide photographic evidence of violations. For issues of mold, you may contact your local County Health Department. All complaint forms MUST be signed by tenant(s) and the tenant(s) must be current on their rent. Also, please include a copy of your rental agreement with this form. No faxes or email submissions will be accepted. Once completed, please drop off to Edgerton City Hall.
Questions or comments: Contact the Public Works Director or Building Inspector using the contact information below.
Public Works Director
Howard Moser
Building Inspector
Dave Geraths (contracted through General Engineering Company)
(608) 884-3341 Office
(608) 697-7776 (Cell)